Australian War Memorial, Canberra

Australian War Memorial, Canberra

The largest and most successful history museum in the country is the Australian War Memorial - external site. Over half of Australia's inventory of heritage items are located here. The Memorial commemorates the sacrifice of Australians who have died in war and assists Australians to understand the experience of war. It was initiated by Australia's official war historian C E W Bean and John Treloar. The memorial provides ready means to search its vast archive online for documentation on particular servicemen and servicewomen. Australian War Memorial, Canberra

Displays provide direct evidence of the lives of the men and women who served and died for Australia. The Gallipoli gallery - external site about the ANZACs, for example, uses original letters, photographs, diaries and artworks to follow the campaign from the departure of the first convoy to evacuation in December 1915. Australian War Memorial, Canberra


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