Purnululu National Park

Purnululu National Park

Purnululu National Park in Western Australia contains the amazing Bungle Bungle Range, another example of Australia's fascinating geology. The distinctive beehive-shaped landforms seen today have been produced by uplift and erosion during the last 20 million years. Purnululu National Park

The area has been used by Aboriginal people for thousands of years as a hunting ground, particularly during the wet season when plant and animal life was abundant. It is rich in Aboriginal artwork and contains a number of burial sites. Few Europeans knew of the existence of the Bungle Bungle Range until the mid-1980s. Purnululu National Park

Purnululu was declared a national park in 1987. In 2002 the traditional Aboriginal owners of the land were granted living areas within the park. The park is run by the Government of Western Australia but the traditional Aboriginal owners contribute greatly to its ongoing management and its relationship to Aboriginal heritage. Purnululu National Park

In 2003 the park was inscribed by the World Heritage Committee for its exceptional natural beauty and rich biodiversity and inscribed in 2005 for its cultural significance. Joint management arrangements with Purnululu Aboriginal Corporation have led to an increased emphasis on cultural awareness and joint commercial tourism facilities. Purnululu National Park


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