Torres Strait Islands

Torres Strait Islands

The Torres Strait separates the land masses of Australia and New Guinea. Torres Strait Islanders are of the Melanesian grouping of people and are traditionally mariners. They have a long history of trade with both Aboriginal and New Guinean people. Torres Strait Islands

The islands are named after the Spaniard Luiz Vez de Torres who sailed through in 1606. After Australia was colonised by England, the Torres Strait became a sea route for ships travelling between Australia and Britain. This enabled the islanders to extend their trade partners, but also meant European rule, culture and religion were imposed. Torres Strait Islands

In the 1860s, the discovery of pearl shell and trepang - external site (sea cucumber), a delicacy appreciated by the Chinese, brought people from all over the region to the Torres Strait. By 1877, 16 pearling firms were operating on Thursday Island. The colony of Queensland recognised the value of this resource, and annexed the islands in 1879. Torres Strait Islands

The influx of settlers severely restricted the ability of the islanders to continue their traditional lives and travels. It wasn't until 1936 that islanders took charge of local government. In 1990 they were officially recognised as a distinct people. Torres Strait Islands

In June 1992, the High Court of Australia overturned the previous concept of terra nullius which stated that, in legal terms, Australia was empty of inhabitants when it was first settled by Europeans. On this day the High Court recognised the native title rights of Eddie Mabo over his traditional land on Murray Island (Mer). Several other communities (Saibai Islanders and Mualgal people from Moa Island) have gained native title rights over their islands since the Mabo decision - external site. Torres Strait Islands

The Torres Strait Regional Authority - external site (TSRA) was established in 1994 to allow Torres Strait islanders to manage their own affairs according to their own ailan kastom (island custom). Torres Strait Islands



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