West Australian islands

West Australian islands

Like Queensland, the West Australian coast boasts hundreds of islands and island groups. West Australian islands

To the south is a group of more than 100 islands, including Woody Island - external site, which are home to fur seals, penguins and many water birds. These lie within the Archipelago of the Recherche, commonly known as the Esperance Bay of Isles. West Australian islands

Off the central west coast are the more than 100 tiny islands that make up the Houtman Abrolhos - external site Islands. The most significant feature of these islands is the Acropora coral - external site which surrounds the islands and which has been the cause of many shipwrecks, including the Batavia (1629) and Zeewijk (1727). West Australian islands

Further north are the Montebello Islands - external site. Named by the French explorer Baudin - external site, this island group is comprised of more than 100 limestone islands of varying sizes and is very popular for game fishing. West Australian islands

The most famous of all West Australian islands, Rottnest Island - external site, can be found just off the coast from the capital city, Perth. Rottnest Island was discovered in 1696 by Willem de Vlamingh - external site, a Dutch explorer, who named the island Rat's Nest due to the many large rats that he believed inhabited the island. These 'rats' are actually quokkas (PDF 82 KB) - external site and are one of the main attractions of the island. West Australian islands

Rottnest Island was originally used by settlers as a prison and during World War II it was a large military stronghold. Today, the island is both a tourist destination and a weekend escape for locals. Cars are banned from the island (with a few exceptions) and most people use bikes. West Australian islands


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